5 Things to do to Experience a Lasting Personal Transformation

5 Things to do to Experience a Lasting Personal Transformation

Personal Transformation: One of the things I advocate as a Leadership Development Coach is that people should gain personal leadership/transformation before they seek to take a lead at any position and the reason is quite simple, you need to be transformed before you can transform someone else. I understand that personal transformation can be quite overwhelming but that notwithstanding, I have created 5 things you must do to experience a lasting personal transformation as a person. Here you go:


Gain Clarity

The first step to experiencing a transformation is to get clarity of who or what you want to be transformed into. Have a prototype of what your transformation journey would look like.
Have a Propelling Force
What is it that pulls/propels you to be the kind of person you have identified? It could be resources, environment, and associations. Identify your propelling force.
Be Focused
The next thing is to begin to focus on the propelling forces. Is it environment or association? Whichever one it is for you, focus on it.
Stay Consistent
Here is where the transformation eventually hits – consistently looking at the propelling forces. The more you consistently focus on the propelling forces, the more the progression in change begins to stick. It may not look like it at first but remember the law of compound effect. What you focus on consistently, expands.
Take Assessment
You want to be sure that you are truly getting transformed, so always measure/assess your progress at each point with the prototype you identified earlier. If you don’t measure/assess your progress, you won’t know when you are getting there. So, always measure your progress. If you are able to apply these 5 things, you would sure experience a seamless personal transformation. I know you found this useful, share it with someone and save it for later.

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