6 (Six) Tips On Getting Your Facebook Page Right

Tips On Getting Your Facebook Page Right
Errrm, before you continue, please understand that your Facebook page is your brand’s social website. With this in mind, you must give it a maximum priority in terms of look and feel and other relevant components. Even though Facebook has drastically reduced the importance of its pages, it’s still very relevant and useful.
You need a Facebook page to set up your bots, you need it to promote ads for your products and many more. Invariably, there are things you need to do, and you cannot avoid Facebook pages as it’s the only tool for it. You may only need to plan around a small budget to promote and boost your pages but that’s not the focus tonight. There are fundamentally important things you must do to have a great Facebook page. Either personal or even brands’ pages.  I’ll be sharing with you six fundamental components you must review for a better and great Facebook page.
1. PAGE-TYPE: Facebook allows you to select the kind of page you want, and this should be relevant to the purpose your page will serve. If you’ve selected the wrong page-type, head over to ‘about’ and click ‘edit page’. You’d be able to make your changes from there.
2. IMAGES: This talks about your profile picture and your display picture. As a brand, it’s advisable you use your brands’ logo as your profile picture whilst your cover can complement your value proposition.
3. UTILISE TEMPLATES: Facebook allows you to choose templates and these templates allow you to customize. The objective is that it helps you showcase your profession and also maximize your CTA’s
4. MESSENGER BOT TO GREET VISITORS: Even though Facebook has stopped third-party bot app from accepting new pages, the bot is still very important. However, Facebook has its own auto-reply feature. If you are just creating your page, try utilizing the feature by going to ‘settings’ and then change it from the ‘messaging’ option.
5. PIN YOUR BEST POSTS: You cannot keep posting your best posts over and over again. Therefore, this feature allows you pin your post for a new audience to see.
Basically, these are the few tips you need to run a good and great Facebook page. Do you know more? Please share in the comment.
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