Dear Ghanaian Undergraduate/ Graduates,
I have stayed away from saying anything about this ongoing Unemployment and strikes in Ghana. Today, however, I couldn’t avoid putting this message out there. No matter how hard I tried. Let me ask for your forgiveness in advance though, because I’ll be playing devil’s advocate tonight. Also, this letter is specifically written to ‘????????????????????????????????????’ GHANAIAN ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. That is, students who are being sponsored by someone else.
I know all your mentors, coaches, and favorite online people have told you to “learn a digital skill.” So, I won’t even flog that dead horse. Because if you like, you can use these forced holidays (Strikes/demonstrations/no job after school) judiciously; to learn a skill that will increase your chances of being employable tomorrow.
Or, you can while away this time on irrelevancies. However, if you choose option 2, just ensure that “Its unto You.” (My Mum will say)
’My Dad said to me, here comes the real question I want to ask you today. Dear Dependent Ghanaian Undergraduate, ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????
Ever since you gained admission, there has been that one person (or group of people) who have been responsible for your bills.

My question to you today is, ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????
Since the forced holidays began in Ghana, have you ever taken time out from your ‘busy schedule’ to ask that uncle how his business is doing?
Have you ever kept your ‘bone straight’ aside, followed your mom to her shop, and just helped the woman for 1 single day?
Your father that keeps bankrolling you whenever you call, have you ever asked after his job and prayed about his annoying boss (if he has one)?
Or have you just been Netflixing and Chilling, while allowing them to do the tedious job of being the adult?
Before you jump in with the “is it my fault they gave birth to me” argument, I need you to understand 2 things.

If only you could see how hard they struggle, just to give you what you get on a platter, then you may show more appreciation for them.
While I may sound a bit hard on you today, the aim of this post isn’t to judge or make you feel bad. If you haven’t done well in this area, you may want to rethink ASAP.
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Grab a pen and paper. Let me walk you through.
1. Make a list of all the people that have been responsible for your upkeep so far. Could be parents, an uncle somewhere, or even a random destiny helper.
2. Reach out to them, one by one, and start by appreciating them for all the good work they have done.
3. If you have some disposable cash, you can get them some gifts. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Even small airtime will be appreciated.
4. Ensure your appreciation doesn’t come off as half-hearted, arrogant, or forced. Be sure you thank them “for being a strong support system in your life thus far.”
And no. Don’t say “thanks” or “tnx.” This is not xoxo media. 

5. If you haven’t done this before, rest assured they’ll be thrown off balance. Hence, they may respond in different ways.
They may

Don’t worry. Move on with your life.
6. After a while, ask after their job, business, or anything that gives them money. Show that you are committed to helping them grow in this area.
They may not open up to you immediately, but with patience and genuine efforts from your end, you’ll soon start getting across to them.
You are making serious progress.
7. Be of genuine help to them in this area.



Dear Dependent Ghanaian Undergraduate,
I know you are stressed because of what is going on in the country. However, can you get off your high horse and stop being so self-centered for once?
Get out of that politics-induced funk and show some commitment to the hand that has fed you so far.
All things equal, school will resume, employment might cease. Then, you will start placing demands on a stream of income you know nothing about. Don’t be that undergraduate this year. I trust you to do better.
Go Out of your comfort Zone and Get things done!
Yours Faithfully,
(Entrepreneur/Digital Marketer)
Read Also:
Why 90% Of Graduates Are Still Broke Despite Having A Degree.
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