Try these Steps to be the Best Version Of Yourself

Best Version
Written by Samuel Kwame Boadu
Best Version, you first have to identify who you are and why you’re on earth. You must first understand depending on your religion that you are a spirit being trapped inside a physical body. You’re not an accident and definitely have a purpose to fulfil on earth. You’ll be happier if you discover that purpose on earth and definitely you’ll become a better a person if you fulfil that purpose.
Develop a solid success mindset and a positive mental framework to define your daily habits and activities. Habits make a person , activity and great discipline shapes your destiny. A positive, optimistic, mental framework will definitely attract success and give you an edge over your peers, whereas a negative one will attract negativity, pessimism and failure.
Do well to crush your self-limiting beliefs knowing very well you are and what you want to be in the coming years. We are most often held back by self-limiting beliefs, ideologies and wrong philosophies which are false perceptions of our true inherent nature. You may push on and find the person you truly are by learning to recognise and let go of whatever limiting beliefs are blocking you from being the best version of yourself.
Best Version
Be the Version of Yourself by Samuel Kwame Boadu
Fear is a cunning enemy that robs us of our courage and diverts our attention away from the present moment. It is possible and important to overcome your fears and anxieties in order to improve yourself. When you’re feeling worried, write down what you’re afraid of. Then, while still being realistic, write down an alternative explanation that is less frightening. Your intellect will register the rationale even if your sentiments do not shift straight away. With practice, fact-checking your anxieties becomes second nature, and you become less influenced by fear.
Don’t be jealous. The goal is not to be better than others. The goal is to be better than your previous self. Jealousy is proof of failure and for the weak minded. Jealousy is an inferiority complex and has never made anyone successful but has produced countless casualties of failures. If you’re in your twenties now, think like a forty year-old. You will not only blindfold yourself to the vices and temptations that surround the youth of today, but also assure yourself of success and a comfortable retirement life when you get old.
Ignite the inner power that is within you. Flex your muscles and also your brain and you will notice that things will begin to happen in your favor. For example, begin to work, and you’ll begin to see food on your table. You were never born to be static. Even a small child can’t afford to remain static without losing their growth.
Quit procrastinating and stop day-dreaming. Don’t deceive yourself—an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. An active mind is untouchable. The laws of nature dictate that laziness breeds poverty.
Discover something you’re really interested in and focus on it like your life depended on it. Explore it, research it, read about it and become really good at it. If you study a topic consistently for six months to one year, you’ll probably become one of the best persons at it in the world. Everyone has something they’re really good at, and everyone sucks at something. We don’t have a monopoly of knowledge. Once you’ve identified yourself and know why you’re here, begin to work on your long term goals. Develop a strategy and set the scope of your strategy. You cannot do everything under the sun. Break down your plan or strategy into smaller, actionable steps.
Visualize your goals. See it clearly, write it down and guard it fiercely. Meditate on it daily and see yourself achieving it. Look for all the resources you need and begin to take small actionable steps towards it. If you can’t see where you’re going, it will be difficult to reach your destination. It is possible to have more than one goal. Develop a morning and evening ritual. Your last thoughts just before you go to sleep determine your plans for the next day. Your first thoughts immediately after waking up determine your mood, sets your mental framework and determines the momentum for your day. Don’t even for a moment, compare yourself with another person or another person’s successes. You have no idea why they succeeded and why they’re here. Fiercely guard your dream, focus on your goal, and avoid distractions. Distractions can kill your vision. Avoid shiny objects. Not everything is suitable for you. Don’t be lazy. Adopt a mobility mental framework and make sure you’re always actively involved in something that’s geared towards your long-term vision. Laziness can sabotage your vision.
Cut down on friends. Nine out of every ten friends you have are fake. Choose your friends wisely. Don’t seek to be popular but seek to be valuable. You don’t need too many friends to achieve a goal. In fact, you only need an average of five really good friends who are successful or have similar goals as you. Follow a proven formula for success. Find people in your line of interest who are more successful than you and study exactly what they do. Model their success but don’t copy.
Educate yourself by reading books and listening to mentors. You have heard it said that school education gets you a job, but I doubt whether you would find it fulfilling by working for somebody for the rest of your life. Self-education will help you achieve your ultimate goal. No one has ever changed their destiny without self-education. Develop a growth mindset. No one is invincible, but everyone can develop a mindset for growth. If you want to be the best version of yourself, you must address your pain points and weaknesses and work on them. A growth attitude is how successful people deal with their weaknesses.
They don’t believe there are any weaknesses—only opportunities for improvement. Instead of concentrating on their flaws, they concentrate on how they may improve – and take tangible steps to do it.
Give back. You cannot achieve the journey of success alone. We all stand on the shoulders of giants. If you become successful, look back and see those who are struggling and give a helping hand. This fulfils the universal law of giving, that, those who give, also receive back multiplied.
“If you ever think you are too small to make a difference try sleeping with a mosquito in a room.”

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