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Focus on your own Growth and Development

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Only those who have rescued themselves can rescue others.You can only help people when you have first helped yourself. Distraction is the order of the day. Most people don’t even know when they are distracted, talk less to know the things that distract them. I have learned over time to maintain my focus on my own growth and development which is my brand(Samuel Kwame Boadu-SKB and Firm (SamBoad)because I don’t have the luxury of time to waste on distractions. Don’t get me wrong some distractions are pleasurable and appealing, but their effect are disastrous and regrettable.
Yes, you have heard the phrase “focus creates blindness”. Yet most people are so focused on their distractions and blind towards their own goals. Now what does it take for you to use your data while online to engage yourself in activities that enhance your learning and productivity. Watching videos, listening to podcasts and reading e-books, blog posts, articles that can help improve you drastically but No!!.  You did rather spend time on social media liking and commenting on things that have no direct impact on you, other than exhaust your data. Who you become is entirely up to you.
No one will help you until you have helped yourself. It will amaze you to note that only few people take themselves serious enough to work on their own growth and development. Some see it as a waste of time, others say they can always go online on their own to get information on whatever at any time. Well, self medication is just another form of medication, so I won’t stress it. The goal is, do you focus enough on you to actually do what you must do inspite of how you feel?
Three simple ways to focus on your own growth and development
1) Take out time daily to get involved in growth activities such as reading, following up on your mentor, meditation etc
2) Sign up for trainings and courses that pushes you out of your comfort zone.
3) Punish or reward yourself accordingly. Self will do anything to gain pleasure and avoid pain.
Remember ,those who look at the sun don’t see shadows. When you focus on your own growth and development, you won’t see what others are doing. #DeepThinking
One easy way to lose focus on you is to focus on others. Winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners. You become more of what you focus on. To become more, focus more on your own growth and development. Focus keeps you on course.  Whatever doesn’t align to your values and beliefs is a distraction.
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