God In Your Business Series: Combining Business with Divinity by Samuel Kwame Boadu

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If after reading so many books or attending so many seminars, empowerments meetings and businesses or entrepreneurs dream start ups and you are still not transformed, what could be the reason(s)?
“God In Your Business” Series written by Samuel Kwame Boadu will shape your business and thinking on how to combine God with Entrepreneurship (The Secret of the Rich and Success of Business Mogul Unveiled). Hope you enjoy this series put together by me and inspired by Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, Light of the world. 3 John 2, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”
Chapter 1

Topic: Start Small (The Exodus)

I earlier shared an article and I quoted a verse concerning small beginning. Yes! Starting small and not despising it. I will therefore begin this Series with a verse in the Good book. “If you would seek God and implore the Compassion of the Almighty, if you are pure and upright, surely now He would rouse Himself for you, and restore your righteous estate. Though your beginning was insignificant, yet your end will increase.” – Job 8:5-7
This should tell you God loves small and humble beginnings because it from this beginning that greatness grows. Everything great you see around you started small even any great company you can think about now. Some will argue that they know of a great company that started big but I can also argue my point that, that great company that started big as you think, were nowhere like what they are today at the time you thought they started Big. Many great companies you have listed on your mind now have gone through phases & stages before arriving to this stage that you admire soo much. Every nation, individual on this planet has an exodus and that exodus was humble and small. Anyone great, famous etc. had an exodus and surely it never took them a day to get to where they are now. Many entrepreneurs do not appreciate their smallness to be greatness hence give up on it and throw it all away pursuing a mirage of Great (BIG)Start.
To plant and to raise goes through processes (Check my earlier Article on The Problem & The Process).That business you have started small is a process just as life is and no matter how small it is now, God wants me to tell you, you must appreciate and enjoy it and you must not in any way despise it. God said i should make you aware it’s a seed of Greatness. It looks like a long road to go but it takes just a second for God to turn things around but GOD needs a seed to water it and that is your seed. Grow pass people who laugh at your smallness, Grow pass people who put you down ,Grow pass negative views and utterances and Grab –hold that vision,that dream and set your soul on Fire till you arrive
“There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven..a time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted..a time to tear down and a time to build up” – Eccles 3:1-3
Chapter 2


One thing I know for sure is that the God we serve satisfies willingness. When one is willing which most call it Desire, God uses that vessel to accomplish more. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But desire (willingness) fulfilled is a tree of life..” –Proverbs 13:12a
In Chapter 1, I spoke about starting small and by starting small you must desire and be willing to make that business survive and work. Let me make this clear here, each business need self motivation and it takes willingness or desire to receive such motivation .It is that willingness that will translate into motivation and then from motivation to greatness of that business you have started small. It was the desire that made God restore the broken relationship between God and man caused by our Father and mother Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden. The desire was strong that God had to send His only Son to die for you and I, and it was that same willingness of the Father that made Jesus not give up on the mission. It takes willingness to still hope in that small beginning, it is that willingness that is making you sacrifice all you have to make that business work.
For without willingness, there can never be greatness. You may complain on the road of entrepreneurship that it is impossible just as Jesus had to weep blood almost giving up, but I pray a burning desire will engulf you just like an angel strengthened Jesus. Only those who become greatness conscious ever become great in life. Know therefore that those who got to greatness did a certain amount of dreaming, beginning small and desiring(willingness) before they got to where they are now. There must be the willingness (desire) to start small, willingness (desire) to be someone great, willingness to embark on a journey to make that business work. I pray that you never loose that desire as Jesus never lost it but died to accomplish what the Father (God) wanted him to.. “Desire (willingness) realized is sweet to the soul” Proverbs 13:19a)
To be continued in Chapter 3………
Chapter 3


I have spoken about exodus (small beginning) and then I spoke about willingness in chapter 2 but let me make this clear and do me a favor to note this down that No Business whether Big or Small can survive without Prayer (Fueling). It is up to you to commit that business to God because if you don’t , someone will use his/her smaller god (juju)to destroy what you have built in years. The Bible states that we should Pray without Ceasing (1 Thess 5:17) because the world is a battle not with flesh or blood but with principalities of high places. There must be steady and consistent prayer (fueling) into your business if you want to arrive or make that business great.
“Call unto me and I will answer thee and I will show you great things and mighty things which you do not know” – Jeremiah 33:3
“And it was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray and He spent the whole night praying to God “- Luke 6:12..
As I stated in my previous post, Jesus started small in a manger and ended up to Greatness and all that was done because he continually fueled his ministry. You have your part to play and God also has His when it comes to Prayer .He is indeed omniscient but before you ask He already knows you want your business to grow but He wont intervene until you ask him. In my other post, Jesus asked for strength through prayer and God sent his angel to do so before he went through the journey of Greatness to be crucified for you and I. If prayer was the key for Jesus’s ministry then it should too and you must make that an important aspect in building your business. Pray to seek wisdom and directions for that small beginning to become Great. It is therefore your responsibility to make prayer the core bone of that business. It is through prayer that will make God give you that power to endure the woes of entrepreneurship until the breakthrough. “Yet those who wait upon the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not get tired ;they will walk and not become weary..” – Jeremiah 40:31..
To be continued….
Chapter 4

Topic : Believe(Faith) and Wait(Patience)

There is a wise saying by Saadi, and he said, ”Have patience, all things are difficult before they become easy.“ One thing you should know after gathering what I taught earlier is that believing(faith) has never failed anyone in this world but rather we fail when we give up believing or having faith. Your faith and believe in God that He only is the one person that can carry you through this business is what will keep you in this journey of entrepreneurship. Faith or believing is the act of knowing beyond all reasonable doubt that things or what you are venturing or ventured into looks unreasonable and unachievable yet you believe strongly you with God can make it possible.
This journey of entrepreneurship requires nothing but the faith of Abraham when with his age still believed He will have a son, David when he had the chance to kill Saul but didn’t because he knew the right time will come for him to be king, the ten spies and Joshua when they still had to journey through the wilderness still believing in the Promise Land God promised them. God wants you to walk by faith not by sight; God wants you to know that you don’t need to be the best resourced person before that company can grow. Take that light of Faith and walk through the darkness of entrepreneurship because there is surely a light at the end of that tunnel. All you need is to BELIEVE (FAITH) AND WAIT (PATIENCE).
????When Things go wrong, as they sometimes will
????When the funds are low and debts are high,
????And you want to smile but you have to sigh,
????When care is pressing you down a bit,rest if you must ,but don’t quit????????
Light ???? that torch of faith cos I have been there before, and walk straight to victory..
To be continued in Chapter 5
Chapter 5


I always say this , tough days never last but tough people do. Pray consistently and fervently if you want to conquer and graciously excel in that business you have started small. What seems an end of your journey to you is a new beginning to someone’s new era. The end may be the darkness before the dawn of a new dream, a new challenge, a new opportunity ,a new tomorrow..
Lets read the following account in the Bible, John 5:2-9.(NIV)
>2 Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda[a] and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. >3 Here a great number of disabled people used to lie—the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. >4] [b] >5 One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. >6 When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?” >7 “Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.”>8 Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” >9 At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.
The day on which this took place was a Sabbath.Thanks for reading..
The sick man was at the pool for 38 years expecting a miracle which I will say you have just gone through 5 years of struggle yet you want to give up already. For those 38 years of his life he had no one to carry him into the waters yet he never quit. He never gave up, he persevered and he persisted until Jesus came to him that day, and behold he got his healing that day. When the going gets tough and you feel like giving up, remember this man and this story. Persistence and perseverance will help you hold on ,they will help you sail, provide you with power to hold on when you jumping those road blocks. When the going gets tough cling on that and you will sail through it.
Persistence and Perseverance is the ability to see road blocks as your territory through which you have to navigate .To move that business to another level , you must work beyond your limitations to acquire whatever it takes to get to where you intend to take that business to..
To be continued ….
Chapter 6


You have started small, and as a result you are your own boss. You have believed, you have prayed and you still pray, you are planning and you have increased your faith and you patient as I have taught in my earlier posts. To put the icing on that cake you prepared, there are basic principles you must learn before we move to Chapter 7 and with these, you are going to storm that business and that I can promise if you take these few business concepts very serious.
Lets go through quickly
????Dress Style: Shakespeare Stated, “a persons appearance is not an index of his character..” but you need to pay particular attention to your dressing. The way you dress must be taken seriously. You need to always appear well dressed and maybe In your branded shirt to advertise your company more. Contact SamBoad for your branded shirt.
????Good Customer Service: You should know that whatever you do, it is a particular group of customers you serving and we all know that without these customers there will be no business. So learn how to talk to customers and if possible use a lot of please and sorry. Remember the old saying, the customer is always right. Value your customers by showing deep concern to their needs, visit your top customers ,treat your customer with all honesty and do not exploit your customers or try to cheat them.(Read Proverbs 11:4 ,Proverbs 12:19 , Proverbs 13:11, Proverbs 15:27)
????Hard Work :Work appears in the bible 564 times. Hard work with continues gratitude is the #ish????(best) that will elevate your business. See what Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 3:10 ,”Even when we were with you, we use to give you this order, If anyone will not work, let him not eat. Hard work pays so put in much work in your new venture.(Read Proverbs 14:23, Proverbs 19:15, Proverbs 20:13)
????Working Hours : You are not working for somebody therefore you are tempted to go to work anytime you want. This attitude should not be part of your entrepreneurial journey. You need to be disciplined and first of all set your own working hours and you must follow it consciously and your clients must know your working hours as well.
????Paying yourself salary : You are the owner doesn’t mean you can take money anyhow or when you want. How do you remunerate yourself? You must give yourself a salary so that you will know if you making a loss or profit in your business. Open separate bank accounts for both yourself and your business. These are the few basic business concepts you must consider when doing business. There are more, which I will be available for any consultations. Follow these few steps and trust me you will be seeing bountiful harvest months to come..
To be continued in Chapter 7
Chapter 7


Aside giving to the church, which is a good thing, and also paying tithe which is very obligatory if you believe in tithing, you must as well give unto the needy when God blesses you enough. Many think giving tithe is equal to helping but it not so at all. The Bible states, “It is more blessed than to give than receive..” This is one of my secrets in life that has helped me move on with much favor in the sight of men. In whatever I do, I love to give freely even if I don’t have..See what SamBoad Foundation, GirlyTech & For the Future Ghana (read about them). I happen to work with them to help take it far. If you want to help these kids you can contact them or DM me..Let’s move on.
Avoid lending to another person when you can actually give to that person. If someone approaches you for help and after considering your finances and your status and you can help, please do. Let us look at a few scriptures here that may convince you to give more and help in your journey of entrepreneurship. This is in fact one of the secrets of the rich GLOBALLY and am sure you have heard a lot of charity works going on. Most Rich people have their own foundations and charity works that serves as the backbone of the success of their businesses.My Foundation is SamBoad Foundation which helps build the youth for our tomorrow.
????“Do not withhold from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it. Do not say to your neighbor ,go and come back and tomorrow I will give it, when you have it with you” – proverbs 3:27-28
????“He who shut his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry and not be heard “ – proverbs 21:13
????“He who is generous will be blessed for he gives some of his food to the poor .” proverbs 22:9
????“He who gives to the poor will never want , but he who shuts his eyes will have many curses.” – Proverbs 28-27
????“He who is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord , and He the Lord will pay him for his good deeds.” – Proverbs 19-17
Give or better still have a foundation dedicated to your business to help give or solve problems in your community and lord will also smile on that business..
To be continued in Chapter 8
Chapter 8


As you have started business and things are moving as planned by the grace of God almighty, there is something you need to consider as am about to share. This post is very short but very important to the growth of your business as an entrepreneur combining Grace with Business. There are two things to consider when making any financial or business transaction in your business which is ‘Wants & Needs”. Always think through the why? Question before you purchase an investment or an item. Is this transaction or investment to show off or it is a need or necessity for my business? If you think through and the answer is for a want, please do not purchase for your own good or for the good of the business. It is necessary to distinguish between business luxuries and necessities and always remember the goals you have set and the purpose of the business.
Ask if that purchase will help with the growth of the venture or is just some luxurious purchase that wont bring any profit. No matter what, avoid uncallful and unnecessary purchases with your business capital or profit..
To be continued in Chapter 9
Chapter 9


On our Previous post I made you aware on some transaction to avoid and some things to consider. Let me elaborate it a bit here but before then please go back to read the previous post and if you were not following this series which has brought changes in business,you can still do on this page..When you do not have any inner peace when transacting and I repeat when you don’t have any peace when transacting, do not go ahead to do so. If some offers need to have quick decisions, avoid such offers for your own good. Do not deal with people who put pressure on you to transact business, but rather take your time and pray about that offer and trust me the Holy Spirit will give you that required answer in a way that will surprise you.
You may with this tip miss a few good opportunities but then it will help you miss many bad ones as well. Most offers I have rejected as an entrepreneur are offers with statements like, “This is your one time opportunity and a lot are on this but because I like you, I want only you to have this offer..”..hmm and hmm again???? Please don’t fall for this. Mark and avoid these types of dealers or businessmen.
Remember what the Bible says about money which most of my colleagues like this so much..”And money is the answer to everything..”- Eccles 10:19c????..This verse tells you how money is essential for the growth of your business so therefore you must not joke with it and loose it to certain offers.
I know you have seen or heard big ventures brought down to their knees because of some bad financial decisions they took during their journey and some are mostly greed to get more in the shortest possible way. For this reason, give great attention to any financial decisions you make and trust me it will help sustain your venture..
To be continued in Chapter 10..
Chapter 10

Topic : “THE IRON LAW”

Have you ever heard of the “Iron law” the legendary law of cause and effect.???? This law states thus “To every effect, there is a cause”????. This implies, that everything in your life today is as a result of something you did at a certain point in your life.
Every effect be it negative or positive can be traced to a cause down your past paths.????. This law to you today means that you are in charge.It means you own your life. You own the right to choose the kind of life you wish to live, It means that no person’s opinion no matter how painful it is or who’s opinion it is has any power over your life???? .It means that you can remove those negative effects in your life, those painful habits, those shameful attitudes, It means you can get rid of the hurts, the disappointments as well as the failures in your life by simply tracing them back to their cause.
Your life is about to take a drastic turn to awesomeness. Learn and understand the law of cause and effect as you are combining Grace(God) with Business and you’ll learn CONTROL. Never let those pains, hurts or disappointments stay anymore. Find their cause and eliminate them.Build for yourself the kind of life you want by allowing only the things you want into your experience.
Take back control and live your life.
To be continued in Chapter 11
Chapter 11


You can be passionate about a thing and let it drive you to limelight but can still lack fulfilment. Talent is not purpose and the fact that you are skillful in a particular area or thing is not enough reason to go out and do that thing. Dr. Myles Munroe of blessed memory said that “if the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable”.????. This is how i define abuse: “the abnormal use of something”. Meaning that if your talent/skill/gift is not used the way God intended for it to be used, it becomes an abuse????
In 2009, I made my very first attempt to begin my arts career as a dancer in church which is Lighthouse Chapel International which is now the Mega Church ,Adenta Branch. I had started dancing and teaching dance as early as my Senior High school days which is Pope John Senior High School and Minor Seminar (One of the Best Schools in Ghana and West Africa) and I remember vividly that I started dancing while in my second year.
I was so passionate about dancing that i began to go to churches to choreograph or teach dance. Back then, I was nick named “Massif Eto Flex” by some, while some others named me “????” never mind ????????In 2011, I got my first job while still in school and I set out to make my dreams to become famous and rich as a dance super star with my own group and all. I and my other dance colleagues, who also were into music and dance arranged for a musical and dance studio where we could record our first dance compilations. We agreed on a date to suit my work schedule and I was super excited and optimistic that my breakthrough had finally come????.
“Mehn….” this young man was about to “hammer”and there was no stopping me and my crew. We even had chances to dance at great platforms. Truth is till date I don’t know for certain what happened, but I didn’t go to the studio for that videoing and somehow didn’t push further. My money was gone….hmm????. Many years have passed and reminiscing over that season of my life, I can say that that was “mercy” and that was “Grace”
I was passionate, skillful and talented but lacked purpose. My motivation then was not to exalt Jesus and bless lives rather it was for self, greed and pride. That would have been my greatest peril, and I am grateful it didn’t happen then. To be famous and rich is not evil. In fact, God is glorified when we bear many fruits and when we shine as lights. But the greatest tragedy of a man’s life is gotten to the end of his life only to realize that he never truly lived but merely existed. Purpose discovery brings you to service, service to God and humanity.
You become a blessing to generations and are blessed in return. It will profit you nothing if you gain the whole world and lose your precious soul. What you misuse or abuse is detrimental not only to you but to generations after you because God designed you to legislate and influence. Do not abuse what God has given you to use for His glory.I have decided to use my page, my company to bless others the best way I can now.
Discover God’s plan and purpose for your life as you journey on to build that venture…
To be Continued, Grand Finale Chapter. You have come too far to miss the last chapter. I’m proud we have made it this far and I hope I have taught you a lot.
Chapter 12


I am right now giving you a standing ovation celebrating your success by faith with a clap now ????????????????????????Thank you and congratulations for taking these steps with me Chapter by Chapter. As you begin or have already begun the process of starting small, remember vividly the worthy things to plan and think about and ponder over them as you are lifted to bring that venture to greatness..
“Finally , brethren ,whatever things are true ,whatever things are noble , whatever things are just , whatever things are pure , whatever things are lovely , whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things. The things that you have learned and read from this book ,these do and the God of peace will be with you “ (Phil 4:8 & 9).
May the God of Peace ,God of Isaac and Jacob , God of our father Abraham be with you as we have ended this great Series .He has used me as a vessel to prepare you and your venture into greatness.He cannot take you to the top if you do not begin..He is waiting to see you take that step of Faith so he provides the Grace to combine with Your Business. Remember the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15, when after all the difficulty decided to go back and that was his small beginning.
Behold today is the day to rise up and begin small, for behold this is your day of beginning the success story in your life!
????????Are you an unemployed graduate deciding on what to do, Begin something small
????????Are you a worker who is considering embarking on part time studies to earn a higher qualification, Begin small
????????You have a great business idea, but you want to wait for a huge startup capital?Just Begin with the small capital
Be content with your resources now and begin now. Your current situation you are unhappy about within the next few years if only you can change your thought process and begin now can change drastically within a twinkle of an eyes when you combine Grace. Let’s end this with something thought provoking ????
????Every Red Sea you encountered was crossed with courage
????Every wall of Jericho you were faced with came crushing down with a shout of praise, persistence and perseverance
????Someone did it so why can’t you. Why worry then?
????Every storm that hit and wanted to stop you from continuing that venture will be calmed down because Grace (Jesus) is in that boat ..
Write this in your book:
Courage brother , do not stumble
Though the path be dark as night ;
There’s a star to guide the humble ;
Trust in God and do the right.
Let the road be rough and dreary ,
And it’s end far out of sight
Foot it bravely ! strong and weary ,
Trust in God and do the right.
God bless you and thank you so much for your month and time …Your year will end well and Happy Xmas and Great New year in advance.
In case you want to book me to speak in your youth service, Church service, seminars, events etc.
E: samboadu.gh@gmail.com
Whatsapp only : 0274023509 (Booking)
Call Only: 0242011394
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