Telegram is a free and open source, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging (IM) software. This service also provides end-to-end encrypted video calling, VoIP, file sharing and several other features. A verified badge is a check that appears next to a Telegram account’s name on the profile. It means Telegram has confirmed that an account is an authentic figure and reliable. It helps differentiate real accounts from among fake accounts. Verification doesn’t give any additional abilities in Telegram – it is simply one of the ways to demonstrate that your channel is official.
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Samuel Kwame Boadu
Samuel Kwame Boadu who manages this Journal is an award-winning Entrepreneur and Digital Marketer with more than 10 years working experience. He is the current Founder at SamBoad Business Group Limited, a wholly owned Ghanaian business service provider and digital marketing business, founded since 2014. For Digital Marketing and business consultation, email him on or WhatsApp SamBoad on 030-396-4382