How NSP’s Can Verify Their Phone Numbers on Their NSS Dashboards

How NSP's Can Verify Their Phone Numbers on Their NSS Dashboards

After completing the regional verification process, it is important to update or verify your phone number and E-zwich details on your National Service Scheme (NSS) Dashboard.

How NSP's Can Verify Their Phone Numbers on Their NSS Dashboards
NSS Blogs – SKB Journal

This article serves as a guide on how to successfully verify your phone number on the dashboard.

To begin the verification process, follow these steps:

  • Once logged in, follow the prompts provided to verify your phone number. You will be prompted to select your network type.
  • It is important to note that you have only three slots available to verify your phone number.
  • Input your phone number and verify it three times, utilizing all three available slots.
  • After exhausting all the slots, you will receive a One-Time Password (OTP) on the phone number you provided during the verification process.
  • Enter the OTP as required by the system. This will authenticate and verify your contact details.
  • Once the OTP is successfully inputted, a confirmation notice will be displayed, indicating that your verification was successful.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your phone number is properly verified and updated on your NSS Dashboard.




NSS Guidelines on Submission of NSP Monthly Evaluation Forms


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