How To Gear Up Towards 2023 As An Entrepreneur or Individual

How To Gear Up Towards 2023 As An Entrepreneur or Individual
Gear Up Towards 2023: In some of my articles here, I made a point that there is still time to do anything you desire to do this year. I had to say that because a lot of people have dropped the projects they had, in anticipation for the new year. I hope you grabbed that message. Today, let’s talk about your plans as regards showing up strong in 2023. If you struggled with showing up in your business, career or projects this year or you are worried about why you get so demotivated or uninterested in showing up, this post is for you. Come and read this closer.
This time last year, I announced that I would be starting a newsletter segment where I would talk about blogging, entrepreneurship, Business Profitability, Career Advancement and Leadership. So, by January, I had already sent out a good number of my weekly articles on my Facebook Group called “Learn with Samuel Kwame Boadu”. I found myself feeling excited about doing this. I was always looking forward to clicking “Post” to my group members. With less than 6 weeks to the end of the year, I can tell you that I smashed that goal with over 12,000 memberships. Why?
Because I had already set out plans to achieve this even before the year came by. I didn’t wait for 2022 before I put up systems and structures to ensure articles are sent out weekly. We are counting down to 2023 and yesterday, I put a call to my creative media team, SamBoad to remind them about a new series I will be starting in 2023. I am going a step higher next year as I will be sharing a weekly newsletter for young leaders, writers, authors, creatives and experts in general. Yes, I have created my content plan and I am getting set for my shoot alongside other projects I am working on.
Why am I sharing this with you?
The problem we have when it comes to showing up in our business and career is often the lack of planning. We want to do a lot of things, but we do not plan for it. The truth is that everyone seems to enter a new year and start planning for the year at that time. No one remembers that you don’t plan in it; you plan for it. Planning for 2023 in 2023 sounds weird. This doesn’t click; you know why? Most times, those goals you envision are set as a result of the Dopamine rush that comes with the excitement of the new year.
So, you’ll begin to say things like:
“This year, I will do XYZ”
“This year, I will achieve ABC”
But you know what, you don’t plan for the year in the year. You plan for it before you step into it. If there are things, I need to achieve in 2023, I need to start building the habits that will help me achieve them before I step into 2023. I must put up structures and systems to help me achieve them. Most people are familiar with the process of setting goals, yet they struggle with making sustainable changes or following through with the goals they have set. If you get into 2023 and start setting new goals, and resolutions, you sure will feel motivated and eager to win. Yes! You may win. You may not win. Because all of a sudden, you may lose momentum or stop being consistent because you never prepared.
Read Also:

How to Write A Business Plan [A Comprehensive Guide]

We have 49 days or less to go depending on the time or day you read this. I want you to make a decision that you will start planning for what you desire in the coming year. You will create an execution chart to help keep you in check. This will also help you identify all you didn’t do this year so you can make plans to achieve them in the coming days. You don’t wait for the new year before you start planning. You must start now.
2023 is here. Congratulations!
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