Samuel Kwame Boadu joins UNICAF as Student Consultant

WhatsApp Image 2021 10 23 at 2.06.43 AM

Unicaf has contracted one of the best educational consultant and student advisor in Ghana, Samuel Kwame Boadu.

The appointment and 2 years contract was part of plans by the university and company to boost their marketing and recruitment efforts to increase and diversify the multicultural numbers at the university and company. Samuel Kwame Boadu after being contracted joined the Unicaf Ghana Team in November 2019.

Unicaf’s headquarters is in Europe and was founded in 2012. While initially focusing solely on Africa, it has been expanding its range to offer scholarships to students worldwide, provided they meet certain eligibility criteria. Unicaf has established a number of branch campuses and learning centres in Africa, such as in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Egypt, Morocco, Somalia, South Africa, Zambia and Malawi. Already more than 30,000 have taken advantage of the Unicaf scholarships and registered to one of the partnership programmes. The number of students is estimated to increase to 100,000 by the year 2023. The learning centres are set up to include digital libraries, computer labs, internet, generators and make students less prone to the studying in areas with partially inadequate infrastructures.


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“While education in Africa is rising and demand for skilled people also ascends, there are serious challenges to Africans reaching quality Higher Education (HE) levels that are recognised by the world’s employers. The gap in the market needs to be addressed now… if the 2040 African labour force is to have global value.

Samuel Kwame Boadu is an inspirational and multi-award-nominee Educationist, Entrepreneur and Digital Marketing Consultant.

He is currently the Founding CEO of SamBoad Business Group Limited, a fast growing service provider in Ghana with over 4 subsidiaries and activities.


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Samuel Kwame Boadu is a consultant with the believe that Education in Africa should be  affordable and flexible to access to aid the working class to further their education whiles working, hence joining UNICAF. Excited on his appointment and contract, he indicated that he is willing to help a lot of eligible Ghanaian applicants to get access and take advantage of Unicaf Scholarships.

“I am excited and it’s an honor to represent Unicaf as a student advisor in Africa because of the various scholarship programs and free short courses they have

to offer. Not forgetting the great tuition discounts they offer and the fact that their graduate are 100% employable on a global front,” Samuel stated

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