The Brazilian Buttocks Lift (BBL) Surgery is now a Global Trend in the Cosmetic Industry

The Brazilian Buttocks Lift (BBL) Surgery is now Global Trend in Cosmetic Industry

A 2023 study found that motivations for undergoing a BBL often stem from body dissatisfaction and social media pressure.

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) has taken the world by storm, becoming the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure according to the Aesthetic Society. In 2023, it was the most searched cosmetic procedure in America, reflecting a significant rise in interest over the years.

Data from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) reveals that in 2021 alone, nearly 400,000 people worldwide underwent BBLs, marking a 20% increase since 2017. One American plastic surgeon attributes the procedure’s popularity to its dual benefits: “The BBL augments the buttocks while also reducing fat from other areas of the body—hence the more technical term gluteal fat grafting.”



Africa is not immune to this trend. Celebrities on the continent, influenced by social media and global icons like the Kardashians, are increasingly opting for BBLs. Dr. Kwame Asiedu, a plastic surgeon at Ridge Hospital in Ghana, notes that while he performs about five BBL procedures a year at the public facility, the numbers are likely higher at private clinics.

“We do have people coming for BBLs at Ridge, but most people prefer private clinics. They think the public hospitals don’t provide the same level of service,” he explains.

A 2023 study found that motivations for undergoing a BBL often stem from body dissatisfaction and social media pressure. Ghanaian actress Salma Mumin candidly shared her experience:

“In the quest of putting my shape in check, I realized there was an option like that. I didn’t really mind and I went for it. I did not like how my butt looked; I wanted it bigger and more curvy,” she told popular television host, Delay, last year.

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)
The Brazilian Buttocks Lift (BBL) Surgery is now Global Trend in Cosmetic Industry – SKB JOURNAL
The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is considered a new surgical procedure aimed at improving the shape of the buttocks and enhancing their beauty. Image credit: Amazon Clinic

Despite its popularity, the BBL is notorious for being the most fatal among cosmetic surgeries. A 2017 study in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal found that two out of 6000 BBLs resulted in death, largely due to unqualified or underqualified practitioners operating in a loosely regulated system.

“The procedure has the highest rate of complication compared to other cosmetic surgeries. For every 10 people who have a BBL, the complication rate is higher than for a tummy tuck.” Dr. Asiedu told The Accra Times, emphasizing the risks associated with the procedure.

The surgery involves removing fat from one part of the body and transplanting it into the glutes. However, if not done properly, it can lead to serious complications.

“The most fatal complication of the BBL is fat embolism, where fat gets into the bloodstream. This occurs in less than 1% of BBL cases. If the procedure is not done sterile, you can get an infection,” says Dr. Asiedu.



He also mentions that only candidates with enough fat for transfer qualify for the procedure.

Dr. Asiedu frequently deals with correcting botched surgeries.

“I deal with botched surgeries about once every two months. I often sort out people who have done it somewhere else and get an infection,” he said. “For example, I had a patient who had a fat transfer to the calf area, and because of the infection, all the transferred fat had to be removed.”

The BBL trend shows no signs of slowing down, but it is extremely important for potential patients to be aware of the risks and choose qualified, experienced surgeons to perform the procedure.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and CareCredit, the average cost of a BBL in the United States ranges from $6,672 to $16,847, with an average of around $8,686. This seems pretty expensive for the average income earner who would then opt for a more affordable option as those in Turkey and Ghana. In fact, the procedure in Turkey is 2-3 times less expensive than in the United States.

Turkey has become one of the hottest cosmetic surgery hubs, with the cost of BBL ranging between €2,900 and €3,500.

From consultations with private clinics in our motherland, Ghana, the cost of BBL can range anywhere from GHS8,000, however, this is highly dependent on your desired result and the individual’s current body type. A fixed price cannot be given for every body type.


In conclusion, while the Brazilian Butt Lift remains a highly sought-after procedure globally, it is vital for individuals to consider the potential risks, the qualifications of their chosen surgeons, and the overall costs involved. With proper precautions and informed decisions, patients can achieve their aesthetic goals safely.

PS: Do not forget to love yourselves the way you are. Even the Kardashians have started removing their implants.



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