Start Ups & Money

Things You Absolutely Need to Do Before You Start Your Business

Things You Absolutely Need to Do Before You Start Your Business

As long as you have a drive to succeed, your inexperience won’t be an issue to start your business.

How do I start a new business with no experience? – Answer by Samuel Kwame Boadu, who runs a start up business called SamBoad Business Group Limited:

Firstly, congratulations on deciding to get involved in the exciting world of business! Starting a new business with no experience is not something to fear, because the success of entrepreneurs comes not only from how experienced they are but from the fact that startup owners are usually motivated, excited, and hard-working! As long as you have a drive to succeed and you are willing to put in the time and effort, the fact that you might not have prior experience will most likely not be an issue! Here are some tips when it comes to starting your business:

  • 1) Do your research.

Probably the most important thing you need to do before starting your own business is to do your research. Make sure you know that there is a market for your product/service, that there will be demand for it once it’s launched. You need to keep in mind what the market conditions might be at the moment and whether this is the right time to enter the market. Know your competition! Are you about to enter a monopoly, oligopoly, or a perfect competition market? What are your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses? In fact, what are your product/service’s strengths and weaknesses? Is there a Unique Selling Point of your business idea? All these questions require extensive marketing research in order to make sure you have an idea that could turn out to be profitable.

  • 2) Pick the right location.

“On one hand, national policies on entrepreneurship and current economic tidings of some countries can be extremely friendly and encouraging towards business owners. On the other hand, the legislation and regulatory procedures of some other countries can grind your company to a halt in no time.”

  • 3) Prepare a kick-ass business plan.

“A business plan is an essential ingredient of any successful business. Essentially, it’s like a blueprint of your future business, what it will look like and what it will entail. Many businesses don’t have a business plan at all, and this is a fundamental flaw you must avoid. In fact, a business plan should be considered as an absolute necessity for business success.” Read why the backbone of a successful business is a well-written business plan here.

  • 4) Hire the right people.

Okay, so you have a great idea that you’ve researched, and you’ve concluded that is potentially very in-demand and profitable, and you’ve got a great location and a solid business plan. But what are all these things good for if you don’t have a team of people ready to work hard and spend their energy on converting your idea into reality? It is especially essential for startups to hire the right staff that fits their company values and is ready to get onboard for the adventure! However, the process of hiring is often difficult for people with no background experience in business, so if you require some help, read this article, which talks about building the right team for your new business.

  • 5) Don’t forget the legalities.

This part of starting your own business is just as important as any other! From employment contracts for your staff to terms and conditions for your website, it is essential that you follow the law when setting up everything because you don’t want your energy and resources to get diverted later on. Here at SamBoad, we understand that it might be difficult, expensive, and time-consuming for startup entrepreneurs to hire legal help or to try to get ahold of all the relevant documentation themselves. That is why we have Legal Partners which we can conduct checks with you on the phone/online and then point you into the right direction for everything you will need in terms of legalities.

Hope this helps, and good luck in your venture!



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