Why 90% Of Graduates Are Still Broke Despite Having A Degree.

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Are you graduates, undergraduate or aspiring to be a degree holder? Then read on…..
In the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s (20th century) the advice was go to school, get a good grade, and you will be employed in a great industry. In the 20th century, following this advice was a guarantee for anyone to succeed. From 1950’s to 1990’s, there were few graduates and anyone who graduated immediately gets a job. From the year 2000 upwards, people began to see the importance of going to school. People realized that those who went to school immediately got a job and so millions of people flocked into the school system in other to get a degree that will qualify them for a job. But another big problem surfaced.
Between 50’s to 90’s there were few graduates and the jobs available was enough for all who graduated.
But from year 2000 upwards, due to the millions of people that flocked the school, there were unavailable jobs for all who graduated. From the year 2000 upwards the number of graduates exceeded the number of jobs available. Currently, the labour force can only employ about 20% of the students that the school graduates each year. So, in the 21st century, following the advice of go to school, get good grades and look for a job is suicidal. The advice you should instead follow is; Go to school, get good grades and create a job for yourself. What this simply means is; Instead of looking for a job, you should create a business around your knowledge, talents, skills and ideas. This is the 21st century. For you to succeed, do not focus on using your degree to get a job.
Instead focus on how to use the knowledge that you acquired as a result of getting your degree to solve pressing societal problems. Look around you…. The world has changed. The people who are succeeding are those who are using their ideas, knowledge, talents and skills to solve pressing human problems. The money is in the problem that you can solve and not in the degree. Start solving problems and the money will flow to you.
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