SKB's Journal

WILLINGNESS – God In Your Business Series

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From Series ” God In Your Business” by Samuel Kwame Boadu – Page 2 of Chapter 1
One thing I know for sure is that the God we serve satisfies willingness. When one is willing which most call it Desire, God uses that vessel to accomplish more.
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But desire (willingness) fulfilled is a tree of life..” –Proverbs 13:12a
In Chapter 1 of page 1, I spoke about starting small and by starting small you must desire and be willing to make that business survive and work. Let me make this clear here, each business need self motivation and it takes willingness or desire to receive such motivation .It is that willingness that will translate into motivation and then from motivation to greatness of that business you have started small.
It was the desire that made God restore the broken relationship between God and man caused by our Father and mother Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden. The desire was strong that God had to send His only Son to die for you and I, and it was that same willingness of the Father that made Jesus not give up on the mission. It takes willingness to still hope in that small beginning, it is that willingness that is making you sacrifice all you have to make that business work. For without willingness, there can never be greatness. You may complain on the road of entrepreneurship that it is impossible just as Jesus had to weep blood almost giving up, but I pray a burning desire will engulf you just like an angel strengthened Jesus. Only those who become greatness conscious ever become great in life. Know therefore that those who got to greatness did a certain amount of dreaming, beginning small and desiring(willingness) before they got to where they are now.
There must be the willingness (desire) to start small, willingness (desire) to be someone great, willingness to embark on a journey to make that business work. I pray that you never loose that desire as Jesus never lost it but died to accomplish what the Father (God) wanted him to..
“Desire (willingness) realized is sweet to the soul” Proverbs 13:19a)
To be continued………
NB: I don’t own rights to images used in my articles

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