Health Benefits of Mimosa Pudica

Mimosa Pudica

Mimosa pudica is often grown for the curiosity of it- the leaves and flowers of the plant fold inwards, close and droop when they are touched – and after some time they re-open. It is believed that the leaves fold inwards to protect themselves from harm, much like humans. For this very reason, mimosa pudica – the botanical name- is also called the ‘shy plant’. The species is native to Central and South America, though it is also found in the Asian countries. It is classified as a weed and grows in abundance in the wastelands, shady areas like under the trees.

Mimosa Pudica Benefits

Mimosa Pudica Common Names

Its common names are sensitive, sleepy plant and a touch-me-not plant. It is also known as the lajwanti, humble plant and shame plant.

20 Health Benefits Of The Touch me Not or Mimosa Pudica Plant

Though famous for its mysterious shrinking attribute, the touch-me-not plant comes with a host of health benefits. It is full of nutrients and is a subject of great interest to the researchers. Add to it the effect of ‘rapid plant movement’ it exhibits towards the human touch, and the interest paramount. It has nauseating, sedative, and tonic properties and is used to treat many disorders like piles, stomach disorders, alopecia, sinus, and insomnia. Let us have a look at the top medicinal health benefits of the mimosa pudica plant-


1. Heals cuts and wounds

The leaves of the Mimosa pudica plant when crushed leave a juicy paste. This paste, when applied to minor cuts and wounds, can heal them much faster and also provide relief from the pain.

2. Cures piles and hemorrhoids

A teaspoon of powder made from the leaves or dried root of mimosa pudica mixed in a glass of milk and consumed twice a day can work wonders for piles and hemorrhoids. If you are suffering from bleeding, make a paste by finely crushing the leaves and apply it as a poultice.

3. Cures joint pains and arthritis

Arthritis can cause swelling and pains in the joints. To effectively cure the condition, apply a paste of crushed mimosa pudica leaves and leave it on overnight. By doing this daily for a few days, you will notice the swelling go down, and the pain will subside too.

4. Helps in diabetes

If you suffer from high blood sugar levels, you are also at risk for other complications. Drinking the juice of the mimosa pudica plant for about a week or so can effectively bring your blood sugar levels down. However, do consult your doctor for the dosage.

5. Treats indigestion and diarrhea

If you are suffering from indigestion, a 30 ml dosage of the juice of this plant can ease your discomfort. Diarrhea can also be treated with the juice of this plant.

6. Helpful in itching

Itching can be quite an irritating condition that can even worsen with scratching. To get rid of itching, make a paste of the leaves of the ‘shy plant’ and mix it with sesame oil. Apply the paste to the affected area, and let the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant do their work.

7. Treating premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation can rob a man from enjoying sex. To treat the condition, take a few seeds of the mimosa pudica plant and mix with sugar in equal quantities. Mix a teaspoon with milk and drink it every night to cure the condition of premature ejaculation.

8. Helps to treat ulcers

The extract of the touch-me-not plant has also been found to heal ulcers.

9. Treats jaundice

Jaundice is a condition which happens when there is too much bilirubin in your system. Drinking the juice of the touch-me-not plant can help treat jaundice. You will need to drink 20-40 ml of this juice twice a day for a period of 2 to 3 weeks.

10. Can help patients with high blood pressure

The condition of high blood pressure can bring about other complications. Extract the juice from a few leaves of the plant and drink 15 ml twice every day. The problem of high blood pressure will go away in a few days.

11. Cures asthma

Asthma can be treated by drinking 15 ml of mimosa pudica juice twice every day. The juice needs to be taken for 15 days for the effects to kick in.

12. Helpful for treating hair loss

Hair loss, baldness, and excessive hair fall can be treated by using hair products that contain the extracts of Mimosa pudica plant.

13. Treats insomnia

If you are having the problem of sleeplessness, take about 5gm of the leaves of this plant and crush them. Make a paste and boil it in water to make the potion. Strain the water and drink it for 15-20 days for best results.

14. Uplift sagging breasts

A lot of women face the problem of saggy breasts and burn a lot of money on surgeries and treatments to give them a perfect firm shape. Mimosa pudica comes to help here too! Make a paste of the leaves of this plant with Ashwagandha roots and apply it on your breasts. Your breasts will become firmer, and you will feel attractive.

15. For treating snake venom

Boil dried roots of the touch-me-not plant in water (10 gm in 400 ml) and prepared a decoction. Drink this water daily twice a day to counter the effect of snake poison in the body. This decoction has been proven to be effective in fighting the venom of cobra too.

16. Treat insect bites

If an insect has bitten you and it is getting painful, itchy and swollen, the leaves of the ‘shy’ plant can be used to treat the same. Make a paste with some leaves and stem of mimosa pudica and apply it on the affected area to get relief.

17. Oral hygiene

The roots of the plant are boiled with water to make a decoction. This decoction if traditionally used to gargle every day to improve and maintain oral health. In the event you have gum problems or a toothache, this decoction will even prove effective to provide pain relief.


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18. Excessive menstrual bleeding

Juice of the touch-me-not plant mixed with honey and pepper can help you control excessive bleeding during menstruation. Drink this juice (5ml) every two hours for maximum effect.

19. Stomach ache and worms

If you are suffering from a persistent stomach ache or the problem of the intestinal worm, a paste made with the leaves of mimosa pudica mixed with honey can help provide relief. This paste needs to be taken once a day for 3-4 days for maximum and quick effect.

20. Anti-microbial, Anti-fungal & Anti-viral

Various studies have proven that mimosa pudica has anti-microbial, anti-fungal & anti-viral properties. The extract of the plant is very effective in controlling bacterial and fungal infections and is often used to treat the same.

Are there any side effects of Mimosa Pudica?

Before you decide to use mimosa pudica for its health benefits, make sure you tell your doctor about any existing allergies, supplements that you are taking, and other pre-existing health conditions. Some medicines and herbal supplements may not react well with the plant extracts, so caution needs to be exercised. You should not consume the ‘touch-me-not’ plant if –

  • You are planning for a pregnancy owing to the plant’s anti-fertility effects
  • Are already pregnant
  • Are breastfeeding

Reach out to your doctor if you feel unwell after taking mimosa pudica or your symptoms worsen. Always check with your doctor for the recommended dosage or refer to the product’s packaging instructions.

Mimosa pudica FAQ

What happens when Mimosa pudica is touched?

Shameplant is a very sensitive plant and folds its leaves when touched. Therefore, the stem also drops on touch by another organism. Due to the folding of the leaves, the plant looks smaller, and it discourages herbivores from eating it. Due to the folding of the leaves, the spines on the stem also get exposed.

Is Mimosa pudica a rare plant?

No, touch-me-not is not a rare plant and in no way falls in endangered plants. But, on the other hand, it is considered a pest in the plantations or orchards.

Why does Mimosa leaves close at night?

The sleepy plant leaves close at night to prevent water loss due to extreme heat. The plants don’t photosynthesize at night, due to which they save the leaves from losing water. The leaves might also close due to excessive rain.


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